Data Observability: Tools for Enterprise Success
As organizations become more data driven and as data sources and volumes explode, there are many more opportunities for data entry, data capture, and data pipeline problems. In partnership with BigEye, explore how proactive data management approaches that leverage observability data (e.g., data lineage) can help.
The Essential Role of Data Lineage in Enterprise Data Observability
Data lineage has evolved from a compliance tool into a key enabler of data reliability and trust. By making lineage a central part of their observability practices, organizations can resolve issues faster, improve operational efficiency, and build trust in the decisions driven by their data. Read More
Data Observability 2.0: Moving Beyond Traditional Monitoring to Ensure Enterprise Data Quality
Enterprise data quality needs sophisticated, proactive data management approaches that leverage observability data (e.g., data lineage) to automatically apply monitoring, identify data quality issue impacts, and summarize observability insights using Generative AI. Read More
Build vs. Buy: The Data Leader’s Handbook to Choosing a Data Observability Platform
This guide examines how data observability can help enterprises move from reactive to proactive data management. It provides a framework for evaluating whether to adopt a vendor solution or build an in-house tool, with a focus on understanding trade-offs in scalability, reliability, and operational efficiency. Download Now
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