Alex Merced

About Alex Merced

Alex Merced is a developer advocate for Dremio, a developer, and a seasoned instructor with a rich professional background. He’s worked with companies like GenEd Systems, Crossfield Digital, CampusGuard, and General Assembly. Alex is a co-author of the O'Reilly book Apache Iceberg: The Definitive Guide. With a deep understanding of the subject matter, Alex has shared his insights as a speaker at events, including Data Day Texas, OSA Con, P99Conf, and Data Council. Driven by a profound passion for technology, Alex has shared his knowledge through various platforms. His tech content can be found in blogs, videos, and his podcasts, Datanation and Web Dev 101. Moreover, Alex Merced has contributed to the JavaScript and Python communities by developing a range of libraries. Notable examples include SencilloDB, CoquitoJS, and dremio-simple-query, among others.