How Intelligent Automation Promotes Call Center Success

Intelligent automation is driving successful contact center operations by boosting the performance and engagement of frontline agents—whether remote or in-center—and empowering them to deliver the quality experiences customers demand.

Enabling Business-Led Integration with Automation

Sponsored by IBM Center for Automated Integration Sponsored by IBM Learn more Enabling Business-Led Integration with Automation Chapter 1: Why Lines of Business Must Drive Integration Modern business moves at a fast pace. Because of that, lines of business (LoB) are often frustrated when it takes weeks, months, or even longer for their ideas to […]

Balancing Efficiency and Culture with Low-Code Automation

Many adopters of low-code automation tools find big benefits in bringing stability to the code/no-code balancing act. It’s more than ending the frustration both sides feel—it’s about giving both sides more tools to be even more stellar at their jobs.