10 ways fog computing extends the edge
A look at how fog extends edge computing functionality in IoT and 5G ecosystems -- and how it bridges the gap between the cloud and what needs to be analyzed …
The OpenFog Consortium is a global nonprofit formed to accelerate the adoption of fog computing in order to solve the bandwidth, latency, communications and security challenges associated with IoT, 5G and artificial intelligence. It’s work is centered around creating a framework for efficient and reliable networks and intelligent endpoints combined with identifiable, secure, and privacy-friendly information flows in the Cloud-to-Things continuum based on open standard technologies. For more information, please email [email protected].
A look at how fog extends edge computing functionality in IoT and 5G ecosystems -- and how it bridges the gap between the cloud and what needs to be analyzed …
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Developing an enterprise-ready application that is based on machine learning requires multiple types of developers.
Cloud optimization could offer the best method for reducing costs according to a new report.