Human-robot Collaboration and Smart Manufacturing

Virtual commissioning and digital twins can help automakers and their Tier 1 parts suppliers ensure that their human-robot collaboration projects achieve their desire objectives without posing a safety threat to the human operators.

Smarter Motorways with Real-Time Analytics

Complex real-time data integration needed for smart motorways is now a reality thanks to data frameworks like Apache Spark and can be delivered in a cost-effective manner.

What Companies Must Know About Identity Security in 2023

By adopting a proactive and risk-based approach to identity security based on biometric authentication, blockchain-based identity management, AI, and more, businesses can create a more secure and trustworthy environment for their employees and customers.

AIOps: What It is, When to Use it, and How to Get Started

With a major technical skills shortage plaguing companies across many different industries, the use of AIOps among DevOps teams can play a crucial role, helping them ensure the quality of the software that they develop and deliver.